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Think India MNIT Jaipur


Coding, Robotics and Thinking

About DIY Section
We are group of highly motivated undergraduate students from MNIT Jaipur,Our diverse group have students majors ranging computer science to electrical and will expand with time. The team’s purpose is to explore exciting new technologies, learn critical skills, and promote the field of coding and robotics through entering a variety of competitions and engaging in outreach events in the wider community. Unlike many other student teams, Our Team will not form around any one particular contest or event. Rather, the team will prefers to continually evolve through finding exciting new opportunities where they can use the skills they have developed from previous competitions.

Our main aim-

  • To reach to every student who is passionate about coding and robotics, prepare them for various hackathons.
  • To improve the habit of Problem Solving and to develop skills among the students which will help them in professional life.
  • Our main Aim to reach MNIT at peakest point in this sector. We want that MNIT will present at top in every competition of this sector.
  • Organised Various types of workshops Related Coding and Robotics

DIY Section Incharge

Shubham Rai

Computer Science Engineering

MNIT Jaipur

Shaurya Pratap Singh

Electrical Engineering

MNIT Jaipur


Computer Science Engineering

MNIT Jaipur