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Think India MNIT Jaipur

Debate Section

Weekly Discussion and Communication Improvement

Main goal of debating sector :
Debaters are able to see both sides of a coin.
In this section , we will organize a debate activity twice in a month on Saturday evening at 6 pm.
The topics of debates are:--

  • Current topics
  • General interest topics
  • Creative and Social topics
  • Politics and Educational topics
  • Aim and Workdone

    • The goal of a debate is to convince your audience that your side of the topic is true.
    • Debate is a fun way for us to discuss controversial topics and it is excellent for speaking and listening practice.
    • Debate is a disciplined form of argument or exchange of different viewpoints about a given subject matter.
    • Debating teaches us to look at both sides of a problem, thus debaters have this skills usually more developed than other people.
    • We will also organize workshops on different languages.

    Debate Section Incharge

    Jatin Agarawal

    Metallurgical & Materials Engineering

    MNIT Jaipur

    Shivam Singhal

    Mechanical Engineering

    MNIT Jaipur

    Kaushiki Nagar

    Chemical Engineering

    MNIT Jaipur